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Legal Notice

Legal notice


In compliance with the law 34/2002, form the 11th of July, from Society Information Services and the Electronic Comerce (LSSI-CE), MERCAGRANOLLERS SL dictates it's the holder of this website. In accordance with article 10 of the cited Law, MERCAGRANOLLERS SL informs of the following data:











tome 44544, invoice 106, page 3 e inscription 3


Lodging services


User and responsibility regime

Navigation, access and use of the MERCAGRANOLLERS SL website bestows the condition of user, through its navigation it is accepted all use conditions established with no perjury in the aplication of of the appropriate normative bound to legal compliance depending of the circumstances .

MERCAGRANOLLERS SL website provides great amounts of information, services and data. The user assumes their responsibility in the right use of the website. This responsibility extends to:

– The veracity and legality of the provided information by the user in the forms extended by MERCAGRANOLLERS SL to access certain contents or services offered by the web

– The use of the information, services and data offered by MERCAGRANOLLERS SL contrary to what has been established by the present conditions, the law, morality, good customs or public order, or whatever other medium could involve harm to third party rights or the website's inner workings itselves.

Responsibility extensions and links policy

MERCAGRANOLLERS SL is not responsible of website contents the user could access through the established links in the website and declares that in no case will it proceeds to examine or exercise any type of control on other website's contents on the network. Nonetheless, it won't guarantee the technical availability, exactitude, veracity, validity or legality of websites outside of their network that could be accessed through links

MERCAGRANOLLERS SL declares to have adopted all necessary measures to avoid any harm to their network's users, that could derive from navigating their webpages. Following this, MERCAGRANOLLERS SL is not responsible in any case of the eventual damage that going through the Internet could be done on the user.


MERCAGRANOLLERS SL keeps their right to take into terms any modifications it deems necessary, no previous notice needed, in it network's content, usability conditions or its general hiring conditions. Said modifications can be realised through their website though any rightly admissible procedure and will be bound to comply in the timeframe said modifications are published in the web until future valid modifications in their area are made.


MERCAGRANOLLERS SL in itself or as a assignee is entitled to all intellectual property rights to their webpage, and the elements contained in it (images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, the selection of materials used, computer programmes necessary for its functioning, use and access, etc.), ownership of MERCAGRANOLLERS SL. will be therefore protected as intellectual property by spanish judicial order, being eligible to apply spanish and community law in this area, as international treaties to the mater and subscribed by Spain.

All rights reserved. In virtue to what is declared in the Virtual Property Law, it is forbidden the reproduction, distribution and public communication,including its method of making available, of the totality or part of the contents of the webpage, with commercial ambitions from any support or technical means, without proper authorisation from MERCAGRANOLLERS SL.

The user agrees to honor the rights of the Virtual and Industrial Property Law ownership of MERCAGRANOLLERS SL. Said party will be able to visualise the elements of the webpage and even print them, copy them and store them in their computer's hard disk or any other physical support as long as it is for personal and private use only. The user will abstain from deleting, changing, elude or manipulate any protection device or security system that could be installed in MERCAGRANOLLERS SL.'s pages

SSL Certificate(Secure Sockets Layer)

THE SSL CERTIFICATE provides authentication, privacy and security of the info shared between MERCAGRANOLLERS SL and the user.

MERCAGRANOLLERS SL disposes of a security certificate used by the SSL CERTIFICATE to establish safe connections.

In this process multiple parameters are established to make a connection safely and is established using pre-established keys, codifying and de-codifying all data sent until the connection is closed.

Legal actions, applicable legislation and jurisdiction

MERCAGRANOLLERS SL reserves, likewise, the power to present civil or penal actions it considers appropriate for the misuse of their webpage and its contents, or for the breach of the following conditions.

The relationship between the user and the lender will be outlined by the law applied in spanish territory. In case of any controversy arising the parties could submit their conflicts to arbitration or attend ordinary jurisdiction complying with its laws and competences in the matter at hand. MERCAGRANOLLERS SL 's address is in BARCELONA, Spain.

Contracts established via electronic means in which intervenes a consumer will be assumed to be made in the exact place said party is residing.

Electronic contracts between entrepreneurs and professionals, by default the pact between both parties, will be presumed celebrated where the service offering party is established.

Resolution of legalities inline with Art. 14.1 of the Regulation (UE) 524/2013: The European Commission facilitates a platform of online legality resolution, which is available in the following link: